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Organization Introduction

About Us

Launched in 2021

The group was founded by three divers, led by representative Yumi Shirai. Currently, there are over 30 active members, including official supporters.

Nonprofit Organizations

We are funded 80% by donations from individuals, companies, governments and organizations, and 20% by business profits.

Cleaning Izu

MORE Kikaku is made up of 30 people including office workers, architects, medical professionals, professional divers, bankers, designers, and government officials.

Organization Philosophy

We must remember that the human world is part of the natural world, and our actions and words will become one stone.

Strive to spread positive ripples to those around you


Activity Policy

Share what you have learned and felt with others,

Continue to devise ways to communicate that encourage recipients to take voluntary action in their daily lives.



A world filled with people who can love themselves, others, and nature


Easy to understand, cool and easy


I try to communicate in a way that is easy for everyone to understand.

Demonstrate that learning about and taking action on environmental issues is a cool thing to do



Enabling everyone to make nature-friendly and environmentally friendly choices


Organization Articles of Incorporation and Regulations


The name of this organization shall be MORE Planning, Inc.


(Office) Article 2.

The office of this organization shall be located at the Representative's residence.


(Article 3.)

The main purpose of this organization is to improve and protect the environment of mountains, rivers, and oceans, especially in Izu Peninsula, and to conduct educational activities by conducting activities (business) related to the environment.


(Types of Non-Profit Activities)

Article 4 The organization shall engage in the following types of specified non-profit activities in order to achieve the objectives stated in the preceding article.

(1) Activities to protect the environment of oceans, mountains and rivers

(2) Activities to promote environmental education

(3) Other activities necessary to achieve the objectives.


(Article 5.)

Article 5. In order to achieve the objectives set forth in Article 3, the organization shall engage in the following business activities related to its activities.

(1) Environmental education for the target audience

(2) Lectures, exhibitions, photo exhibitions, and screenings

(3) Production and sale of original goods

(4) Other activities necessary to achieve the purpose of this organization.


(Membership) Article 6.

Article 6. There shall be the following three types of members of the Association.

(1) Regular Members: Individuals who agree with the purpose of the organization and join to promote the activities of the organization.

(Individuals who agree with the purpose of the organization and join to participate in its activities.

(Individuals and organizations who join to support the business of the organization.


(Article 7.)

There shall be no particular conditions for admission to membership.

Those who wish to join as a member shall submit an application form to the Representative and obtain the approval of all officers.


(Admission fee and membership dues) Article 8.

Article 8. No admission fee and membership fee (except for official supporters)


(Disqualification of Members) Article 9.

Article 9. A member shall be disqualified from membership if any of the following events occurs

(1) The member submits a notice of withdrawal.

(2) The member dies, is declared missing, or the organization of which he/she is a member ceases to exist.

(3) The member has continuously failed to participate in activities for more than three months without disclosing the reason.

(4) When a member is expelled.


(Article 10.)

A member may voluntarily withdraw from membership at any time upon request.


(Expulsion) Article 11.

Article 11. A member may be expelled by a resolution of the General Assembly if the member falls under any of the following items

(1) If the member has violated this Articles of Incorporation.

(2) When a member has committed an act that is detrimental to the reputation or contrary to the purpose of this organization.

(2) If a member is to be expelled pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the member must be given an opportunity to explain himself/herself prior to the vote.


(Non-refund of donations and other payments)

Contributions and other payments already made shall not be refunded.


(Officers) Article 13.

The organization shall have the following officers

(1) Representative   

(2) Vice-President  

(3) Manager


(Election, etc.) Article 14.

1 The Representative and the Vice Representative shall be elected at the General Assembly.

2 The Representative and Vice Representatives shall be elected from among the Representatives.

3 No more than one officer shall have more than one spouse or relative within the third degree of kinship, or more than one-third of the total number of officers shall consist of said officer, his/her spouse and relatives within the third degree of kinship.

(Article 15.)

1 The Representative shall represent the Organization and preside over its affairs.

(2) Members other than the Representative shall not represent the Organization in the affairs of the Organization.

3 The Vice Representatives shall assist the Representative, and in the event of an accident or absence of the Representative, they shall act for the Representative in the order previously designated by the Representative.

4 The Representatives shall constitute the General Assembly and execute the business of the Organization in accordance with the provisions of these Articles of Incorporation and the decisions of the General Assembly.

5 The Auditors shall perform the following duties

(1) Audit the status of the execution of duties by the Representative

(2) Audit the status of the assets of the association

(3) To report to the General Assembly or the competent authorities if, as a result of an audit in accordance with the preceding two items, he/she finds any wrongful act or any material fact in violation of laws, regulations, or the Articles of Incorporation in connection with the business or properties of this organization.

(4) Convene a general meeting when it is necessary to make a report as described in the preceding item.

(5) express opinions to the Representative on the status of the execution of the Representative's duties or the status of the association's assets.


(Term of Office, etc.)

The term of office of the officers shall not be determined.


(Article 17.)

The Representative shall fill vacancies in the organization without delay when more than two-thirds of the organization's quorum is vacant.


(Article 18.)

Article 18. Officers may be dismissed by a resolution of the General Assembly if they fall under any of the following items

(1) When an officer is deemed incapable of performing his/her duties due to physical or mental disability.

(2) When there has been a breach of duty or other conduct unbecoming an officer.

(2) When an officer is to be dismissed pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the officer concerned shall be given an opportunity to explain himself/herself before the resolution is made.


(Article 19 (Remuneration, etc.)

There shall be no remuneration for officers. However, honoraria, etc. shall be paid on a case-by-case basis depending on the duties of the officer.


(Article 20.)

Article 20. The organization shall have one type of meeting, the General Assembly.

2. The General Assembly shall consist of the Ordinary General Assembly and the Extraordinary General Assembly.


(Article 21.)


The General Assembly shall consist of the Representative, Vice Representative, and Manager.


(Authority of the General Assembly) Article 22.

Article 22. The General Assembly shall vote on the following matters

(1) Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation

(2) Dissolution and merger

(3) Expulsion of members

(4) Business plans and budgets, and any amendments thereof

(5) Business report and settlement of accounts

(6) Other important matters related to operation


(Article 23.)

Article 23. The General Assembly shall be held once a year.

2. An extraordinary General Assembly shall be held in the following cases

(1) When the Representative Assembly deems it necessary and requests a meeting to be convened.

(2) When one-fifth or more of the total number of regular members request the convocation of a meeting in writing stating the purpose of the meeting.

(3) When the Auditor convenes a meeting in accordance with Article 15, Paragraph 5, Item 4.


(Convocation of the General Assembly)

The General Assembly shall be convened by the Representative and the person who wishes to hold the meeting.


(Chairman of the General Assembly) Article 25.

The chairman of the General Assembly shall be elected from among those present at the meeting.


(Quorum for General Assembly) Article 26.

The General Assembly may not be convened unless two-thirds or more of the total number of regular members are present.


(Article 27.)

Article 27. Matters to be resolved at the General Assembly shall be those notified in advance.

2. The agenda of the General Assembly shall be decided by a majority of the regular members present, except as otherwise provided in this Articles of Incorporation, and in case of a tie, the chairperson shall decide.

(Right to Vote at General Meetings, etc.)


1 Each regular member shall have an equal right to vote.2. A regular member who is unable to attend the General Assembly for unavoidable reasons may vote on the matters notified in advance in writing or by electromagnetic means, or may delegate his/her vote to another regular member as a proxy.(3) A regular member who votes pursuant to the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to be present at the General Assembly for the purpose of application of the preceding two articles and paragraph 1 of the following article.4 Any regular member who has a special interest in the resolution of the General Assembly may not participate in the voting on the agenda.


(Minutes of the General Assembly)Minutes shall be prepared of the proceedings of the General Assembly.


(Composition of the Board of Representatives) Article 30.The Representative Council shall consist of the Representatives.(Composition of the Board of Representatives) The Board of Representatives shall consist of the Representatives.(1) Matters to be proposed to the General Assembly

(2) Matters concerning the execution of matters resolved by the General Assembly(3) Other matters related to the execution of business that do not require a resolution of the General Assembly(Article 31 (Business Report and Settlement of Accounts)The assets of the SPRUC shall be managed by the Representative, who shall also prepare the business report, statement of activities, balance sheet, inventory of assets, and other documents related to the settlement of accounts.

The Representative shall also prepare documents related to the settlement of accounts, including the business report, statement of activities, balance sheet, and inventory of assets. The documents shall be prepared promptly after the end of each fiscal year, audited by the Auditors, and approved by the General Assembly.2 Any surplus arising from the settlement of accounts shall be carried forward to the next fiscal year.


(Article 32 (Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation)Article 32. Any amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of this organization shall require a resolution by a majority of three-fourths (3/4) or more of the regular members present at the General Assembly.(Article 33.)Article 33 The organization shall be dissolved for any of the following reasons

(1) Resolution of the General Assembly

(2) Inability to successfully carry out its purpose of specified non-profit activities(3) Lack of regular members.(2) In the event of dissolution of the organization, a resolution of two-thirds or more of the total number of regular members must be passed.(Article 34 (Attribution of Residual Assets)Article 34. Upon dissolution of the organization (excluding dissolution due to merger or decision of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings), the remaining assets shall be transferred to the officers and regular members in proportion to their share of the assets to be transferred to those who have been voted by the general meeting.(Article 35.)The fiscal year of the Organization shall begin on April 1 and end on March 31 of the following year.


(Article 36.)Article 36. The organization may establish a secretariat to handle the affairs of the organization.2 The secretariat may have a secretary-general and necessary staff members.


(Article 37 (Organization and Operation)Matters necessary for the organization and operation of the Secretariat shall be determined separately by the Representative with the vote of the General Assembly.


(Bylaws) Article 38.

Bylaws necessary for the enforcement of this Articles of Incorporation shall be determined by the Representative with the vote of the Representative Assembly.


Supplementary ProvisionsThese Articles of Incorporation shall come into effect on January 1, 2022.

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